
Low-Code & No-Code Platforms in 2024

The demand for software development has never been too high observed by Bahaa Al Zubaidi. Nevertheless, barriers like complex coding skills and specialized knowledge have prevented many people from getting into this dynamic world. Thankfully, the low-code or no-code platforms have attracted and continue to attract many people into this field in 2024. It should be stated that they are revolutionizing software development. Also, these platforms are democratizing access to the critical skill set of software development.

Visual Approach to Software Development

The excellent aspect of no-code or low-code platforms is that they offer a visual approach to app development. So, developers using these platforms can develop applications with the least hand-coding. The difference between no-code and low-code platforms lies in the level of coding expertise needed.

As you can understand from the name low-code platforms need some coding skills. However, these skills are required only at a higher absorption level. On the other hand, no-code platforms need no to little coding skills. So, they are accessible to a large group of audience.

Advantages of No-Code and Low-Code Platforms

The ability to quicken the development lifecycle is one of the key advantages of these platforms. They offer attractive facilities like:

  • Visual interface
  • Drag-and-drop functionality
  • Pre-built templates

So, both these platforms offer both non-technical and professional users to develop prototypes quickly. In turn, they can deploy their applications quickly. Businesses these days aim to stay agile in the competitive market. So, businesses using these platforms can benefit a lot.

Democratization of Software Development

One of the considerable impacts of no and low-code development platforms is the democratization of software development. These tools enable professionals working across departments in an organization to take part in software development. They can do this no matter what their technical knowledge is. In turn, the traditional silos between Information Technology and other business units breaks. As a result, there will be better collaboration and innovation.


The cost-effectiveness of these software development platforms is another attractive aspect in 2024. These platforms reduce the need for extensive coding. In turn, the development time is reduced. As a result, organizations can achieve better cost-saving benefits. Also, with the presence of these platforms, businesses can allocate their resources more effectively. The reason is that they can use their existing staff with domain expertise in combination with these user-friendly platforms.

In short, barriers to getting into the world of software development are crumbling in 2024. You might be a business analyst or a seasoned software developer. These tools can provide you with an inclusive environment.

The article has been written by Bahaa Al Zubaidi and has been published by the editorial board of

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