
Assimilation of AI into Modern Life

AI or Artificial Intelligence is all the rage right now, bringing with it a cornucopia of futuristic functionalities that improve the quality of our lives noted Bahaa Al Zubaidi. Whether we realize it or not, we interact with AI several times in a day. From customer chatbots or content generators who help us out online to robot vacuums or smart thermostats at our home, AI rules our modern life.

Artificial intelligence is indeed penning a new chapter in the annals of 21st century technological marvel. AI is turning out to be an automated, time-saving, cost-saving and productivity-boosting solution that is finding its way into every sphere and sector on earth. On one side, AI-based technology is revolutionizing human life but on the other, there are growing concerns about the risks and concerns it poses.

Global governments gear up to responsibly welcome AI

Many scientists, tech experts and governments around the world have pointed out the use of AI comes with a lot of ethical ambiguity and a lack of transparency. This is apart from its highly evolutionary and energy-consuming nature that can cause far-reaching problems if left unchecked. To help tackle this issue, many steps are being taken to ensure the rise of AI is monitored at every step so as to not pose any threats to human life.

As a pioneering example, Facebook collaborated with a Munich university in 2019 to establish the Institute for Ethics in AI Researchers here have been specialising in understanding and fulfilling the real-life role of ethics AI-powered technologies. The Chinese government has also put together a seasoned committee that has been solely drafting laws surrounding the accountable use of Artificial Intelligence by businesses. Many educational and professional institutions have been responsibly and successfully using biometrics for the purpose of student or employee identification.

AI Ethics as laid down by UNESCO

UNESCO in 2021 drafted a set of guidlines deemed essential by world leaders to guide the development of AI in the next 10 years.

  1. Human rights: Development of AI that does not encroach upon human rights or pose a threat to humanity’s future is the need of the hour.
  2. Peace: The very fabric of AI ethics is closely linked with upholding world peace and ensuring it is not disrupted by any technological proliferation.
  3. Diversity and inclusiveness: AI has come under criticism in recent times for displaying racial bias like in the case of biometrics. Expansion of AI must be interlinked with embracing the diversity of human population.
  4. Environmental consciousness: AI is energy-intensive to run and hence there is a flip side to it even if it is playing a key role in climate research and environmental engineering. AI should be advanced in a way that doesn’t risk the environment.

Keeping these tenets in mind will go a long way for every industry that is harnessing the power of Artificial Intelligence and hoping to responsibly create new-age tech advancements. The article has been authored by Bahaa Al Zubaidi and has been published by the editorial board of Tech Domain News. For more information, please reach out to

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