
Progressive Web Apps Considerations

It is a well-known fact that SEO or search engine optimization helps you get a better search engine ranking observed Bahaa Al Zubaidi. This, in turn, can help you increase traffic to your website and improve your conversions/sales. If you have a progressive web app (PWA), it further enhances your SEO. If your business is offering a PWA, then go through the tips and best practices listed below.

PWAs and SEO

  • When you use a PWA, it helps in speeding up indexability. It allows users to have a better experience, thus positively impacting SEO.
  • Push notifications are a key feature of PWAs. It allows you to offer a better user experience. It is again a known fact that offering a great user experience can help you improve SEO.
  • PWAs are user-friendly as compared to native apps. Users don’t have to visit the mobile store to install, and the entire process is smooth. Also, they are faster to use with fast loading of pages.
  • When you use a PWA, you can improve your customer engagement. This is another factor that helps improve your SEO.
  • PWAs need HTTPS, which enhances security. This, in turn, enhances SEO and can help get a higher search engine ranking.

Best SEO practices and tips for PWAs

If you are building a PWA, then the following tips and best practices will help you improve SEO:

  • Don’t block Googlebot’s access to JS files if JS is rendering the content. Allow search engine crawlers access to JS and CSS files.
  • If your URL has the ‘#’ symbol Googlebot will not index it. Ensure the URL does not have ‘#’. Also keep the URL concise. If possible include the brand name or keyword in the URL for better SEO results.
  • Use a tool like Lighthouse to test the performance of your PWA. The tool will give you a score based on different parameters. It would help to identify areas for improvement to take necessary action.
  • Content is the key to better SEO. Offer valuable content that is updated regularly. This would make your customers use your PWA repeatedly. Run campaigns to improve customer engagement as it can boost SEO.
  • Make use of tools available like Google Search Console and PageSpeed Insights. These tools will give you insights into how your PWA is performing. You can use these tools to understand how to make your PWA world-class thus improving SEO.

When you follow SEO best practices, it has a direct and positive impact on your business. So, do follow all these tips for your PWA. The blog has been authored by Bahaa Al Zubaidi and has been published by the editorial board of Tech Domain News. For more information, please visit

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